
Soldier 76 gather everything you about first person shooters and exhibits it through his playstyle and design. He is the most well rounded character in the offense category. He's able to deal burst damage at any range and has the quick mobility to move around the battlefield. He also can support himself and teammates by dropping his biotic field to heal others.


Heavy Pulse Rifle

Soldier 76 rifle shoots a stream of bullet (hitscan) with a cone-like recoil the longer you hold the primary fire. The recoil resets when you release the primary fire button is released.

Type: Rapid Fire Hitscan Damage: 5.7-19 Falloff range: 30 to 50 meters Rate of fire: 9 rounds per second Ammo: 25 Reload time: 1.5 seconds

Helix Rocket

When activated, Soldier 76 fires out rockets from his Heavy Pulse Rifle, the rockets acts as a single rocket, either exploding on an enemy or on a surface.


Soldier begins to sprint, increasing his movement speed. This disadvantage is that he can't fire his weapons, but can use any ability canceling his sprint.

Sprint is a incredibly important tool for soldier, this can save soldier in most worst case scenarios since most can keep up with his speed overtime.

Biotic Field

When ativated, Soldier 76 will drop down a biotic field. This will dipense a healing circle where both him and his allies will be hill winthin the circle radius. This will only last for a few sceonds before dissappearing.

Tactical Visor

When activated, 76 gains a special crosshair that lasts for several seconds. All of the shots from his Heavy Pulse Rifle will automatically hit the enemy that is closest to the center of these crosshairs. In addition, his Heavy Pulse Rifle reloads faster for the duration. As Tactical Visor works like you firing normal attack, the falloff damage is working on this point. Even if you have the perfect accuracy that be able to track the enemies, you will deal lower damage when you are outside of the effective range of Pulse Rifle.

After countless hours of playing soldier76 you're bound to have great skill